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RE: Summary of sources on agent security

>Various people suggested a search (usually on AltaVista;
>this must be AltaVista month!).  The trouble with searches
>is that they aren't very good: searching on "agent and security"
>gets me lots and lots and lots and lots of pages that
>include those words, but few of them are actually useful.
>We still have nothing to beat a bunch of experts sitting
>around chatting...

  Well I tried "agent security" and got 42 hits, not a lot and they all
  appear to be related.  You DO need to use quotation marks to tell it
  to look for those words in conjunction with each other, otherwise you get
  about 100000 matches.


Danny Mayer					Digital Equipment Corporation
mayer@ljo.dec.com				Littleton, MA 01460